Analysis services switch to multidimensional mode

Once I came to customer to implement OLAP solution I found that I am not able to deploy my OLAP XMLA database script since customer Analysis services installed on server was switched in tabular mode and my OLAP database was designed for multidimensional mode. This post is not focused on difference between tabular and multidimensional mode. But in short. Analysis services supports tree modes. Multidimensional, Pivot for Sharepoint and Pivot mode. Mode is set trough installation process. Here I come with quick “how to” switch from tabular to multidimensional mode. Hopefully it saves time to you when you come to the same situation.

In short:

  1. Edit config msmdsrv file in SSAS installation directory
  2. Restart SSAS service

Go to SSAS installation directory, in my case it was situated on C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL server\MSAS14.MSSQLServer\OLAP\Config\ and find msmdsrv configuration settings file. Open it in notepad or another texts editor.

SSAS config file path
Picture 1 – SSAS config file path

Find DeploymentMode tag and change it to 0. 2 is for Tabular mode,0 for multidimensional mode, 1 for Pivot for Sharepoint.

SSAS config file path
Picture 2 – SSAS config file path

After you finish editing configuration file restart SSAS service. You can do it through Windows->Services or using SQL Management Studio as shown on picture bellow.

SSAS config file path
Picture 3 – SSAS config file path