Grouping Tablix


In this post I will explain how to easily set grouping in report Tablix. We will extend our report from post Edit report with Report Builder.  If you would like to download the report go to the post page. We will add region name and province name groups to our report, so it will look like on picture bellow.

Short overview

  • Extend dataset – add new attributes grouping the data
  • Add parent group – English Country Region Name
  • Add child group – State province Name
Sales report
Picture 1 Sales report

Let’s modify report dataset first. Go to Report data pane, under Datasets item right click on dataset you would like to modify and select Dataset Properties from popup menu.

Report data - Datasets
Picture 2 Report data – Datasets

Add attributes from DimGeography dimension. City, StateProvinceName and EnglishCountryRegionName. You can edit query directly in Query text area or using Query Designer.

Picture 3 Query

After editing query, by click on Refresh Fields button, we can check new attributes in report dataset.

Picture 4 Dataset

There are two possibilities how to add new group to the report Tablix.

  1. Through Grouping Pane
  2. Directly in Tablix design

At first, we will add new group through Grouping Pane. Let’s check if we Group Pane is visible in design mode bellow. On the top of the menu click on View and check if Grouping checkbox is checked.

View menu
Picture 5 View menu

In Grouping Pane -> Row Groups you can see current report Tablix group. We will group our report by EnglishCountryRegoinName

attribute we added by extending our dataset. Right click on LastName group in Row Groups panel and Add Group from popup menu. Because we would like to group our detail data, we select Parent Group option.

Grouping Pane
Picture 6 Grouping Pane

 New dialog box appears, we select EnglishCountryRegionName attribute. After Ok button, new column is added on the left side of the Tablix. Grouping direction is from left to->right, which means parent-> child relationship. That’s the reason why new column is added to the left.

Tablix group
Picture 7 Tablix group

Picture bellow shows the second approach, adding group directly from Tablix area. Right click on textbox in Tablix -> Add Group -> Parent Group from popup menu.

Add group
Picture 8 Add group

Let’s look at the report now. We can see that data are grouped by region name. But it would be useful to have running totals on the group level, to see how much Sales amount per region was profited.

Sales report
Picture 9 Sales report

When we return to step when we select grouping attribute, there is a possibility to add group header or group footer. In our case we would like to have totals above detail data, so we check Add group header. In case we would like to have data summarized below grouped data, we choose Add group footer.

Tablix group
Picture 10 Tablix group

Bellow we can see final report matrix design.

Sales report
Picture 11 Sales report

There is another approach how to add Group Totals. We can do it directly from Tablix area. Let’s go back when we have added new group by Group Totals is missing. Right click on Tablix Row -> Insert row from popup menu and select Outside Group – above (if we would like to have totals above grouped data). Before we invoke Popup menu, it is important to choose the inner group area we would like to summarize in Tablix. In our case it is detail group, Lastname group. We achieve it by clicking on Last Name column since it is column inside LastName group. In case we choose Inside Group option we would extend current group and add rows to detail data.

Tablix, Insert Row
Picture 12 Tablix, Insert Row

Look on picture bellow how the grouping looks from the design perspective.

Picture 13 Tablix

Let’s add another group based on StateProvinceName attribute. We would like to place this new group between EnglishCountryRegionName group and Lastname group to create group hierarchy: region name -> province name -> data.

In Grouping Pane -> Row Groups, we can see our new parent group EnglishCountryRegionName. Reporting services set the group name based on attribute name by default. If we would like to change the name, we can manage it trough Group Properties.

Right click on EnglishCountryRegionName -> Add Group -> Child Group, do not forget to focus mouse cursor on parent group. Other option is to select LastName group and add new group as Parent Group.

Picture 14 Add Group

On picture bellow we see Tablix with new group in design mode.

Picture 15 Tablix

We would like to have subtotals in this group too, so let’s insert new row outside the group. Follow the same steps like with EnglishCountryRegionName group.

Picture 16 Insert Row

.And that’s it. Picture bellow shows final group hierarchy in group panel.

Grouping Pane, Row Groups
Picture 17 Grouping Pane, Row Groups

Picture bellow shows report matrix in design mode.

Tablix, Grouping regions
Picture 18 Tablix, Grouping regions

Here is the final report matrix design with grouping.

Sales report, grouping
Picture 19 Sales report, grouping

If you follow steps in this post, you should have similar report. You can download it ReportSalesGrouping.


Reporting Services, Basic configuration tips

I decided to put few tips for newbies, when you are installing or configuring Reporting Services.

You can find more, detail info on Microsoft official

I write about Reporting Services which was installed in native mode. The second one, SharePoint mode will be mentioned in future posts. When you perform simple installation as local instance on your serve or on your computer, you should be aware of 2 importing things to start your work with Reporting Services.

  • Is my reporting instance running?
  • On which URL address can I access published reports?

There is other stuff to check, but I think these two are the most important. There is configuration tool named Reporting Services Configuration Manager, where you find basic info regarding Reporting Services configuration such name and destination of Reporting Services database, service account under which is reporting service running, very useful info regarding report manager and report server URL (I never can’t remember) etc.

Let’s check that Reporting Service is already running

Click on Reporting Services Configuration Manager, you find it obviously in location: Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft SQL Server\Configuration Tools. When Reporting Services Configuration Manager appears, there are menu items on the left side, linked to correspondent sections you need to configure. There is Server instance item at the top of the menu, by click on it you get Report Server status and basic information. Name and ID of the instance, information regarding edition and product version. Name of configured Report Server Database, weather instance is running in native or SharePoint mode and finally report service status.

Here is the point you can easily check if your report server is running or not. You can start or stop it from this window too. Other approach to handle Reporting Services is from \Programs\Administrative Tools\Services.

report server status
Picture 1 report server status

Where can I find my published reports

In Report Manager URL, there is an URL address to Report Manager web application defined. Do not mix Report manager URL with Report Server URL. Report Manager is web application through which you can visually manage reports, data sources, subscriptions, users’ access, etc. Report Manager is visual web interface for report publishing management. In comparation with Report Server URL, this application has user interface you can manage mentioned operations. The URL is obviously in following shape: <Server Name>/<Reports>. You can set URL through installation or you can change it later in the Configuration Manager. You can also click on Advanced option to change port of Report Manger service, 80 is set by default.

Report Manager URL
Picture 2 Report Manager URL

Under which service is my reporting services running

In the Service Account section, you can configure account under which will Report Server service run. You can select whether to use Local, Network, System or Domain account. Since 2017 you can also use Virtual account which is recommended if you don’t have Domain user account. Primary it is recommended to use domain account instead of the Network service account from security reasons. Local accounts have some limitations you have to considered when you are configuring report server. Generally, you should consider whether your Report server connects to remote Report Server database or you will use subscription, or you will access files as data sources placed somewhere on network, etc.

Service Account
Picture 3 Service Account

Report Server

Report Server is the core of Reporting Services. It consists of several components handling processing, rendering and publishing of reports and possibility to implement extensions in authentication, data processing, report rendering and publishing. It does not have user-interface, but it allows you to access mentioned components programmatically. You can list the report repository with your internet explorer. The default URL of Report Server is follows: <Server name>/<ReportServer>, 80 port by default. If you would like to access web service methods of Report Server you can get them by its web service end-points. You can connect it through web-service URL in shape: <Server name>/<ReportServer/ReportServiceXXXX.asmx (Server/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx). In next posts I will write regarding this feature in more detail since it could automate work for administrators.

Web Service URL
Picture 4 Web Service URL

Report Server Database

Report Server Database consists of reports metadata, report repository data, report objects, log data regarding report processing, users access etc. There are two databases installed, one for temporary data and primary one as the main data storage. Due to installation you can leave default settings of Report Server databases which are installed locally, or you can choose manual installation and select different Report Server databases destination, for example on remote machine. Here in the Configuration Manager you can change the database after Reporting Services installation. There is also a possibility to set credentials used by Report Server to connect to the report server database.

Report Server Database
Picture 5 Report Server Database

Scale-out Deployment

This Configuration Manager option will be described in very short. I will try to come to describe them in later posts since they are not so important for the basic installation.

Scale-out Deployment gives you possibility to share one Report Server Database with more Report Servers or to implement solution with load balancer. The detail info is described on the Microsoft website:

Scale-out Deployment
Picture 6 Scale-out Deployment

Encryption Keys management

Report Server Database stores sensitive data which are encrypted by a symmetric key. You should create and backup encryption key immediately after installation of Reporting Services is done as it is important part in case you would reuse Report Server Database. In one of my future post I will go through Report Server Database recovery and this functionality will be described in more detail. There are other scenarios such creating new installation of Reporting Services with existing Report Server Database, moving instances of Reporting Services, renaming the instance where hosting Report Server, resetting password for account Reporting Services is running etc. You can find more info on website

Encryption Keys
Picture 7 Encryption Keys

E-mail Settings

Reporting Services supports report distribution by email. It can be configured in two ways. In the Report Server configuration file RSReportServer.config you find in your installation directory of Reporting Services. This will be described in one of my future posts. In this file you can set advanced email delivery parameters. The fundamental step to make this feature functional is to go to Configuration Manager, Email Settings section, set your SMPT server address and email account sending email from the SMTP server. As on Microsoft website states The Report Server service account must have permission on the SMTP server to send mail.
You can find More info on I will pay attention to Report Server subscription using email delivery in separate post.

E-mail Settings
Picture 8 E-mail Settings


Edit report with Report Builder “How to” edit report

In this post we can continue with report we created in post “Report in two minutes”. We would like to extend our matrix definition and add First name column next to the Last name column.

First of all, open Report Builder application and open existing report on Report Server.

Open SSRS report
Picture 1 Open SSRS report

Go to the directory on report server where report is published and open it.

Choose report on Report Server
Picture 2 Choose report on Report Server

The report is in design mode now. Go to the Tablix definition and click on Last Name column that it will be highlighted.

Editing report
Picture 3 Editing report

Right Click on the column and select Insert column on the popup menu. In next step select Inside Group – Right to put First name column on the right of the Last Name column. You have to notice two basics things. Since we would like to extend LastName group by adding First Name column, we to had click on Last Name column to select the group area. Because we would like to extend this group by adding new column we selected Inside Group option. If we would select Outside Group – Left option, we would add column next to the left Last Name column and outside LastName group region. But in that case First name column would not be grouped and report would not behave as we expect. Look at popup menu, on picture bellow that we are not allowed to be used Outside group – Right option – it is disabled. If we would like to extend the detail group, where measures are placed, and add for example Sum vat column next the Sum Sales, we have to click on Sum Sales column first and then select option for inserting column.

Adding column
Picture 4 Adding column

Do not forget to publish your report.

Publishing report
Picture 5 Publishing report

It was very short overview how to edit your report using Report Builder. Stay tuned!

Sales report
Picture 6 Sales report

You can download report here ReportSalesEditReport.